Treasure of an Ubud Commute: Follow the Stairs!

I adore my daily commute (30 minute walk) into town. It’s been enriched by the discovery of a route through the lovely Penestanan where veggies grow along narrow, winding, traffic-free paths and rice paddies and houses live side by side. It feels rather like a medieval footpath — an aura that hints at fairies, talking trees, and buddhist hermits. I love it! Since a picture is worth a thousand words and takes a fraction of the time to view, welcome to a rare halftheclothes photo blog! Here is what I see when I set off down the road each day:

One of the three sets of charming retaining walls that make for a nice, cool, shaded, verdant canyon on my walk.

The funky art collective with loud, wild paintings

One of the many demons guarding entrances along the road.

View from the bridge - N fork of the river that runs down the valley I live in.

Offerings are everywhere - I pass hundreds each day. Some days are more elaborate than others, depending on what's going on with the myriad Balinese calendars.

Same retaining wall canyon, but the view headed home. I love this tree!

Cute little hobbit house at the top of the Penestanan stairs.

One of my favorite funky houses!

More Bali beauty! Even the gates/doors are stunning.

I'm pleased to report I had my cake and ate it, too. Dramatic shots of looming clouds and arrived home dry!

Adorable trail-side cafe with funky bamboo/glass tables, and the puppy trotted over as I hunkered down for the photo. Meant to be?!

Funky brick haystack house - from conversation with an unimpressed local, seems it was built by an expat. Supposedly it leaks. Still fun to look at!

More offerings!

An iconic sign that I'm almost home...

There you have it!     Highlights of my daily street-time in Ubud.   Fill in the gaps – grocery store, a favorite cafe, a banana flower, a giant spider – by flipping through this album.   Enjoy! ♣

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