I adore my daily commute (30 minute walk) into town. It’s been enriched by the discovery of a route through the lovely Penestanan where veggies grow along narrow, winding, traffic-free paths and rice paddies and houses live side by side. It feels rather like a medieval footpath — an aura that hints at fairies, talking trees, and buddhist hermits. I love it! Since a picture is worth a thousand words and takes a fraction of the time to view, welcome to a rare halftheclothes photo blog! Here is what I see when I set off down the road each day:

One of the three sets of charming retaining walls that make for a nice, cool, shaded, verdant canyon on my walk.

Offerings are everywhere - I pass hundreds each day. Some days are more elaborate than others, depending on what's going on with the myriad Balinese calendars.

I'm pleased to report I had my cake and ate it, too. Dramatic shots of looming clouds and arrived home dry!

Adorable trail-side cafe with funky bamboo/glass tables, and the puppy trotted over as I hunkered down for the photo. Meant to be?!

Funky brick haystack house - from conversation with an unimpressed local, seems it was built by an expat. Supposedly it leaks. Still fun to look at!
There you have it! Highlights of my daily street-time in Ubud. Fill in the gaps – grocery store, a favorite cafe, a banana flower, a giant spider – by flipping through this album. Enjoy! ♣
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