Hitler’s insanely effective, swift capture of Germany’s public defied logic. Here are some surprising factors involved in his seemingly-impossible achievement:
(brought to you by my visit to a Cologne city-prison-turned-museum that compassionately captured poignant histories)
Rocking the Boat: The global financial crisis of the 1930’s created political instability that paved the way for the Nazi entrance. (Does this make a lightbulb of dread flash in anyone else’s head?!)
- Top-Down Takeover: As the Nazi party gained power, they installed members as leaders in every single community group. Since each organization needed a government-approved charter, control came easily.
- Ensure Craziest Captains: Earlier Nazi party members tended to be the most radical, and they were given preference in thousands of government appointed positions.
- Parental Obstruction: Children were drawn away from the potentially anti-Nazi influence of their parents through government-mandated, Nazi-controlled “youth programs.” What kid doesn’t love autonomy and parental-freedom?
You are What You (Don’t) Eat: The Nazi party was big on frugal living. They demanded members demonstrate their firm morals and commitment to the common good by refraining from indulgence — i.e. substituting soup for the the traditional Sunday roast.
- Same Brainwashing, New Leader: The structure of existing religions were intentionally imitated to instill Nazi-values — i.e. Hitler used the refrain “I am in you, you are in me” to inspire Nazi unity.
Oh… you don’t have to give me your bone. I don’t have to eat you alive, either.
I Dare You to Shop Here: Intimidation was the first port of call for destruction of Jewish businesses. Nazi police officers were posted outside, scaring away would-be customers.
- “How could you?!” – The Nazi party, of course, was dependent on cooperation and denunciations (snitching) from the German public. Because life got better for most under the party’s rule, it was easy for people to look the other way — much like we do with sweatshops and overworked/underpaid labor that makes first-world life possible today.
All About the Money: Nazis made conforming lucrative, providing tax breaks for those who demonstrated official allegiance.
- Not Nazi? Can’t do That: Life was made impossible for Jews in myriad ways. Marriages were prevented by requiring a racial authentication certificate. Jews weren’t allowed to live in most neighborhoods, ride bicycles, own radios, or leave Germany! That’s right. They couldn’t leave the country persecuting them. Sterilization was required “to prevent genetically unhealthy children.” They could only get their war-time rations from one office, requiring a trying journey of many miles. And not on a bicycle.
- F****d by Your Family Tree: All it took to be considered a “full-Jew” was a single Jewish grandparent. Think of it in terms we can all relate to: nationality. Imagine that your father’s mother was born outside your country. Otherwise, your father’s family has been in your country for generations, as has you mother’s entire family. But that one grandmother… maybe you never even met her… makes you not an American/Australia/Brit/yourcountryian. Even if you’ve never known another country in all the decades of your life!
I’m thankful for the opportunity to have learned more about the evolution of the Nazi party. While it seems to me the rest of the world has largely moved on from the German atrocities of the 1940’s, German’s themselves still take it very seriously. One can easily be arrested for performing the famous Nazi salute in public in Deutschland! Traveling internationally, Germans are often horrified at foreigners casually giving the salute to their new German acquaintances.
So, when you meet a German, stick with a handshake. And let’s hope this slice of history never repeats itself. ♣
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