Learned something new this week!
Welding is hard, friends. Quite hard. Not too far out, but not too far in. Not too high, but not too low. Not too fast, but not too slow. Oh, and don’t electrocute yourself. Or burn yourself. Or both.
April 9:

Sunset. On a farm. Happy, happy woman.
April 10:

Koala mission failed on the koala front. And on the what-Blakey-would-rather-be-doing front. I was in heaven, though. Forest 4WDing. <3
April 11:

Missed so many opportunities in life to learn to weld. Got my first chance this year at Austin, Texas’ hackerspace. Got my first go at TIG on my friend’s family farm in OZ. It’s like learning to play the piano, only if you mess up you get burned and electrocuted all at once! So… fun. Hard, though. Quite hard. I nailed a few successful centimeters… which were probably mostly luck. Or all that mental in-my-sleep practice I did. The rest: not pretty.
April 12:

Drive-through liquor stores. No, not a window-fast-food-style-drive through. You drive right into the store. In your car. Because who needs a parking lot? I’ve talked about these before, but that doesn’t mean the first one I saw this go-round in Oz didn’t stop me in my tracks.
April 13:

While wandering around the other day, I noticed a path. Decided to scope it out on my run today – it’s over a mile of old stock chutes that have been turned into a shady pedestrian/bike path isolated from city traffic! #winning
April 14:

If it weren’t for this adorable little post office being fresh out of postcards, I never would have randomly hopped on the tram out front and ended up in the CBD (downtown). And the man never would have handed me the flyer. And I’d never have gone to the comedy show up the road. Thanks, little post office.
April 15:

When you spend your entire day on the phone and at the library, you take a photo of the resulting late night packing (for Tasmania!!!).
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