My cultural faux-pas, lessons, and six Australian weeks by the numbers:
42 – days spent in country
210 – times Australians probably thought I was an asshole.
6 – attempts to get in the wrong side of the car.
15 – times I secretly panicked as a left-hand traffic passenger.

This photo hanging out the left hand window of the car while driving down the road isn’t dangerous because… it’s the passenger seat. Safely captured my first sip of Aussie black liquid gold. #winning
13 – cups of beautiful, perfect flat white coffee… every sip a taste of freaking heaven.
84 – cups of tea
25 – number of times I heard “Sorry, we don’t take American Express.”
16 – days without internet
2 – people in Australia who probably think they’re the only one who ever thought of naming their router “Pretty Fly for a Wifi.”
10% – percentage of trip days involving the Melbourne Airport
7 – days relishing Tasmania
1 – day in the capital hating art, but loving an art museum.

I could spend months in Tasmania’s backcountry!
25 – yoga sessions
13 – runs
5 – Wim Hof polar swims & cold showers
2 – new scars to warn me against future stubbornness
1 – Fish & Chip Friday
48 — times I swooned at accents & other Australiana.
Thanks for a beautiful trip, Oz. Love you!
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