A burst pipe. A burst-open forehead. (not pictured). Playing inside. Playing outside.
With an eye toward the fact that someone always has to be behind the camera (in my childhood, it was my father), I snapped more photos this week than usual for my sister and her family. When the sort was said and done, snaps of or with the fam tended to win the day.
June 4:

The last baby! Boy does this kid have spunk!
June 5:

Wyoming sunsets. Evening rambles with this kid while he plays on his new toy and I train for Alaska backpacking.
June 6:

One tiny hole, one hundred gallons of water in the basement ceiling.
June 7:

Love getting to play with the littles while Mom and Dad make dinner.
June 8:

Things like this always remind me why some of my coastal friends just don’t understand where certain mentalities in “the flyover states” come from. Life is different on the prairie.
June 9:

Wandering up into the mountains with my oldest nephew. School’s out for summer!
June 10:

Post kiddie birthday water balloon fight with my middle-little sis. <3
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