Lots of lovely outdoor time & adult beverages… as summer should be!
Lesson of the week: yet again I love how this resolution leads to capturing the type of moments that usually slip right by in the smartphone era.
June 18:

Geo-caching with my nephew. What a beautiful time of night to be out under the Wyoming sky.
June 19:

Target practice. Gorgeous countryside.
June 20:

This is the stuff my childhood fantasies were made of. Cloud-lands were where the magic happened in my little-Jema brain.
June 21:

Fun to finally meet Bailey, Amy’s sidekick for 8 months, now!
June 22:

Game night + letting me practice my story that I’m telling at a conference next week. #thanksy’all.
June 23:

River day! Freezing water was refreshing in the 95 degree heat. I was dumb enough to body float some rapids and lucky enough to come out mostly unscathed.
June 24:

Amy’s softball team + the amazing Lydia + excellent conversation with a random stranger (who happens to be inadvertently photobombing). Biggest disappointment of the night: finding out I was missing out on a city-wide nighttime naked bike ride. #nextyear
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