Y’all. This is it. Halfway through the year!
Photo lesson/observation of the week: when I’m with friends or family, I have endless urges to snap photos. Doing anything else (e.g. this week travel + conference) and a greater awareness is required.
June 25:

Post softball beers with my lifelong amiga.
June 26:

Look at the present Amy got me! A scratch-off world map as one of our post-dinner activities with Sochetra. I can’t remember who won at Jeopardy… must not have been me!
June 27:

My first Washington pull tabs. We won nothing at first, and then a dollar.
June 28:

I see lots of views from 30,000 feet, but a line of volcanoes heading into the distance has to be one of the best.
June 29:

The view from the conference floor of the rainy, beautiful evening in Kansas City.
June 30:

I parked by this museum every morning and had a lovely stroll down to the conference venue.
July 1:

A few of us (conference attendees) tried to go have BBQ. When in Rome… however, we neglected to remember that well-known joints are like the voodoo donuts of Kansas City. Our waitress at the taqueria across the street said the trick is to do carry-out. Roger that.
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