Twice this summer my inability to refuse interaction with sick babies has led to my doom.
This week was six parts farm fun, one part illness-induced exhaustion.
Photo observation: being sick dilutes my mental capacity remarkably, including the part of my brain that remembers silly daily goals.
August 13:

This just might be the most fun table-top game I’ve ever played. Agricola does an excellent job of incorporating all the considerations and challenges of homesteading… including the constant pressure of not having enough time (turns!) to do all the things you want to do before each harvest. If I ever manage to “settle down,” please someone get this for my birthday.
August 14:

Baby piggies! Just a few days old here. Sadly the rest of their littermates didn’t make it.
August 15:

The pigs do the first part of clearing, then humans do the second. So I guess this isn’t quite before and after. More like before human, after human.
August 16:

Collecting and drying herbs for the winter. Raspberry leaf, plantain, red clover, calendula, and more!
August 17:

My hosts awesome friends have a fly-in only homestead – Apricity Alaska. Their Italian homestead helper hurt his hand and had to hitch a ride with a neighbor on a flight across the Alaska range to get medical care here in Talkeetna. The “airport” here is really just a giant field full of small planes. This is one corner. Fingers crossed the weather holds when the Apricity crew comes through next week so we can see Talkeetna from the air.
August 18:

Delivering microgreens from Talkeetna Farm “The Grove” (where I’m work exchanging) to a local distribution center. The delivering the busted-up Italian to the local clinic. My last day of having mental or physical faculties worth appreciating.
August 19:

Computer and chaga-ginger brew day. Technically took this photo the morning of the 20th, after conceptualizing it on the 19th, but failing to follow through in my illness-zombie state.
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