Our Australian Partner Visa application officially spanned 159 days – not including all the time we spent before lodgement gathering evidence. We wish we’d lodged immediately and then gathered all our evidence. Oh well!
After dozens of comments on the Australian Partner Visa Application Tips, I realized seeing actual Australian partner visa evidence could:
- give people ideas about how to meet requirements
- confidence in their own evidence.
When I sat down to identity-protect our bank statements and statutory declarations and emails, I realized why no one else has done this incredibly helpful thing.
It’s intensely personal.
The sum of these details isn’t known by a single person in my entire life. In addition to the work and time required to share Australian Partner Visa Evidence, it takes courage and confidence to allow strangers to scrutinize one’s existence.
It’s a ton of work.
What does it cost to identity-protect 161 pages of Australian Partner Visa Evidence? So far several thousand dollars in working hours – from combing through every page making sure all account numbers, ID numbers, emails, addresses, phone numbers, and other private info has been removed to distribution admin, ongoing admin, site hosting, etc.

And now here’s a picture taken by my Aussie mate – because internet pages without photos are boring… 🙂
Because I don’t want every individual searching for visa evidence examples to have effortless access to my personal information, I am charging a small amount for the downloads – less than 1/100th of the total visa cost!
If the whole package
isn’t your cup of tea, I’ve broken it out into sections below.
FYI: no PayPal account needed.
Expand the “Pay with a debit or credit card” section on the payment screen.
FYI #2: prices are in U.S. dollars.
Our Australian Partner Visa Evidence Samples
I didn’t have the time or resources to break out every single section, so feel free to reach out if there’s something not listed here that you were hoping to see.
Click to skip ahead to the whole package if you’d like.
Sections of our Australian Partner Visa Evidence
What follows are NOT tutorials. These samples are simply all the evidence we submitted to successfully qualify for an Australian Partner Visa. If you are looking for instructions (beyond what is already provided by the department) about how to put together your application, a migration agent is the only person legally qualified to to give you an Australian Partner Visa tutorial. I am not aware of any free or cheap way to get personalized help or instructions for the partner visa process.
Here are your options for individual sections of our Australian Partner Visa Evidence sample, if you don’t want to get the whole thing:
Bank Statements
Fifty pages of highlighted and annotated spending records. Used as supporting evidence for nearly every category, including Nature of Household, Nature of Commitment, Financial Aspects, and Social Aspects, Length of De facto Relationship, and Proof of Living Together (we had no lease agreement).
Personal Statements
See how we each described: the start, development, and beginning of our defacto relationship; our domestic arrangements, emotional support, financial support, and physical support; periods of separation; our future plans.
(Testimonial: Christopher L via email: “After reading it and going through it a few times I was impressed at how well you presented it in detail.”)
Selected and highlighted personal emails. Used as supporting evidence for several categories, including Details of Development, Nature of Household, Nature of Commitment, Financial Aspects, Social Aspects, Length of De facto Relationship, and Contact While Apart
Statutory Declarations
See which six friends and family members we selected to write Statutory Declarations and what kinds of things those friends and family members said in their Statutory Declarations.
Financial Aspects
A statement describing the financial aspects of our relationship & our evidence: paperwork for our jointly owned vehicle, Australian tax returns declaring each other as defacto spouses. Note: does not include bank statements. We submitted them separately, as they covered several categories.
Social Aspects
A statement describing the Social Aspects of our relationship & our evidence: photos evidencing Joint Participation in Cultural and Social Activities; itineraries and photos evidencing Joint Travel, and Social Media Screenshots evidencing shared social worlds Note: does not include bank statements, emails, or tax returns referenced in social aspects statement. We submitted these things separately or under other categories.

It’s right here! And yes, it’s way cheaper than buying piece by piece. In fact, it contains lots of things you can’t buy piece by piece..
The Entire Collection of our Australian Partner Visa Evidence
I’ve been advised repeatedly to charge up to $500 for the evidence collection. I’ve refused that advice. My aim here is to help anyone serious about applying for Australian Partner Visa – not just those who can painlessly afford such a high sum.
Don’t forget – this is NOT a tutorial. Every situation is different, which is why it’s so hard to find partner visa help. All I can offer you is the ability to look at the evidence we submitted with the hope that it helps give you ideas about how you might meet the evidence requirements for the Partner Visa. The intention in making this available is to help my fellow DIYers who want to take charge of their own applications, and want a little reassurance and idea generation perspective in the process.
For less than 1% of the entire visa cost, you get all the individual pieces listed above, plus:
- Nature of Household statement
- Nature of Mutual Commitment statement and phone records summaries
- Details of Development statement
- All other documents submitted to satisfy other visa requirements
- Numbered lists of all evidence provided in each category
- Resources Page – links to other online resources, lists, and broad examples we used in preparing, as well as resources I’ve found more recently.
Is it worth it?
Nicole M. via a comment on the Australian Partner Visa Tips page:
“I stumbled on to your page while I was trying to apply for my Partner Visa. My partner and I had no idea how to put our application together and we decided to purchase your Partner Visa Sample that you put together. It has helped us so much. Today I got correspondecne from immigration that I not only got my subclass 820 visa approved but also my subclass 801 visa as well. Thankyou so much!!”
Chloe S. via a comment on the Australian Partner Visa Tips page:
“Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! I just purchased your sample visa and it has been soo helpful!”
Sanna H. via a comment on the Evidence Labels page:
“I purchased your bundle last year and I just wanted to say THANK YOU. It has been super helpful when I have been gathering all the information for my visa application. “
Michelle S. via email:
“I even enrolled in a Grad Dip of Australian Migration Law to get through this – your advice has been invaluable.”
Andrew N. via email:
“I just wanted to say thanks on behalf of my partner and I as we recently had her partner visa approved 🙂 The evidence samples you shared on your blog were super helpful and saved us a lot of time and money, as we didn’t go with a lawyer. My partner was automatically granted a permanent visa too, which was a huge bonus.”
Claire N. via email:
“Wow you did so much – but it feels a little more manageable seeing the reality of what you did.”
Andrew N. via email:
“First off, a quick (but huge) thanks for taking the time do your write-ups about your experience with obtaining an Australian partner visa. I just purchased your evidence samples and have found them to be super helpful.”
Donnabel – via a comment on the Australian Partner Visa Tips page:
“I saw your blog last march didnt know how to start our application way back then,this has been soooo useful we’ve sent our application 1st week of april now we have a case officer already after four months of waiting, I just purchased your Australian Partner Visa Evidence Samples and followed every detail lol, I can say its really worth it, it took me a while before I organized everything as we are long distance so its hard to gather all the information. […] Jema this blog saved us from paying another 3kdollars as we have consulted an agent before for our visa and they asked for that amount plus the visa fee.“
Marcelle – via the Australian Partner Visa Tips page comments:
“I was so, so relieved to find your Website; it has made the task of applying for his visa so much less daunting (we bought your sample visa, and even got it bound for easier use XD ). So here’s a big thank you from us.” And: “We’re loving your amazingly annotated bank statements.”
And again after receiving their visa 2/2017: “Thanks again for all your info Jema – the visa booklet you organised was crucial for us!”
And again after receiving their permanent visa 10/2018: “We bought your mock-up partner visa document back in 2016. After that, we had our visa granted in 6 months. After becoming eligible for the second stage in August 2018, my partner had his visa granted in 2 months and 2 days. We made sure to follow your mock-up pretty closely, and we provided page numbers and contents pages for each of the main documents (“financial aspects” etc). We also wrote a letter to the case officer explaining our evidence, with a full list of everything we’d provided in each document (title “Attention: CO” a full list and guide to all our evidence). Thank you so much for providing the framework for my partner to get his visas so quickly, we’re still pinching ourselves that it is all over and we didn’t have any questions asked by immigration – all granted without any contact!”
Ellen M. via Australian Partner Visa Tips page comments:
“Thank you for all the amazing and useful information here, I have also purchased your application documents which are so useful too!”
Anya T. via email:
“I wanted to let you know that the pack is very useful, especially when compiling the documents on a two week deadline. Thank you again, truly!”
Rhys S. via email:
“Thank you so much for making that available it has been a huge help! My girlfriend and I are going through the partner visa application and were having a hard time knowing what to include. We were considering going down the legal route and hiring a migration agent but we may just be ok now after we stumbled across your blog! You have honestly been a godsend and have saved us a whole lot of time and stress.”
Rosie P. via Facebook chat:
“Omg you’re amazing. Your advice and info is whole lot better than all the contradictory bs the department are giving us here in aus we are really so grateful.”
Robert W. via email:
“Once again thankyou Jema for the insightful data you have provided for virtually zero dollars.”
Tayla G. via Australian Partner Visa Tips page comments:
“Firstly, a huge thank you for all you have done! You have made this process to much easier for both my partner and I. Just like you we were shocked over the lack of information on obtaining the partnership VISA.”
Jessie P. via email:
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you going to the effort to do this. We are just about to begin compiling documents and this document is exactly what we needed to get our heads around the process!
Osman A. via email:
“Your documentation is immaculate and so easy to follow.”
Jessica M. via email:
“My boyfriend and I have purchased your document recently and would like comment on how much it has helped us put together a visa application for ourselves.”
Paul M. via email:
” Your doc was very helpful as was your blog. We are like many who are more than capable but just need the reassurance that we are on the right track. There is a lot of well meant but often conflicting info out there. Every case is different but some official examples would help. You have filled a gap and helped us with our application.”
Marga B. via the Australian Partner Visa Tips page comments:
“We have downloaded your document and are happy to see, that we were on the right track. Your detail level gives us an additional support to move forward a bit faster.”
Danielle M. via email:
“I found it very useful, Thank you so much! I had no idea where to begin with it before!”
Jan via tips page comments:
“We also bought your pdf which has been a great framework to go by. ”
Xiao W. via email:
“Many thanks for kindly putting together such a detailed and well explained application sample.”
Fabienne via email:
“I have purchased your Evidence Sample Partner Visa. It is so useful and totally worth the price, thank you so much for all your work you put into this. “
Steve via Australian Partner Visa Tips page comments:
“We found your application very helpful in gathering evidence for our own application “
Kate M. via Australian Partner Visa Tips page comments:
“Thank you so much for this amazing blog and for sharing what you know, I purchased your visa sample and it has been beyond helpful. “
Hannah S. via email:
“I bought your example application and it’s great.”
Hilary M. via email:
“It’s amazing information to have a look at.”
Marie G. via email:
“I found your blog/website a while ago and I’ve been weighing up the decision to buy or not. Having arrived in Oz recently and trying to get my head around the application process, I decided it wasn’t a bad shout!”
Final Notes
Please note that I am not a migration agent. I cannot help you with your visa application. I am merely offering to share the full collection of evidence we submitted to the department of immigration before being granted an Australian Partner Visa.
To reiterate: identifying details like names, account numbers, passport numbers, etc. have been removed. Very private details have been removed, but I have intentionally left our Australian Partner Visa evidence as intact as possible. The aim is to give you the opportunity to look at it from the perspective of a Case Officer (C.O.). Hopefully any confusion will help you discover pieces of your own evidence that you might not otherwise think to clarify.
Good luck with your visa! ♣
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