My former college roommate is about the most motivated, driven, action-taking person I know. He sets a goal, puts his mind to it, and gets it done with an indestructible good attitude.
My former college roommate is about the most motivated, driven, action-taking person I know. He sets a goal, puts his mind to it, and gets it done with an indestructible good attitude.
When I was in Australia recently, many conversations and interactions with Aussies caused me to think about American cultural values. Being cultural descendants of the British, Aussies tend to have a “Keep Calm and Carry On” attitude, but might add, “and have fun doing it!”
Not wild-frat-boy-egocentric fun, though. If there is one thing Australia culture doesn’t love, it’s…
Hate is a strong word, my friends. Let’s say the feeling is actually repulsion. And I guess what I’m really repulsed by is”¦
I swore the whole way up and down Hartz Peak in Tasmania.
It’s uncomfortable, hard work getting to know a culture and it’s people. When I stepped off my $600 round trip flight to Melbourne from LAX, I was hit with a wave of payoff.
When our Nashville couchsurfing hosts warned us getting around the city on Wednesday might be difficult because the President would be in town, my foreign friend immediately asked if we could attend. I said we’d have to get tickets and they probably would be sold out already. She googled and had free vouchers in hand within five minutes.
You land in a new city. Just inside the airport, you stop to “check-in” on Facebook. You stand by the arrivals board looking up directions for transit to downtown. On the bus/train, you review the directions to the place you’re staying. You see your “check-in” now has three likes. You have four other notifications. While you’re looking at them, you get two snapchats from two different friends. You snap them back. Just before you turn off your phone, the email you’ve been waiting for comes in.
Dear Past Self,
You know how sad you are right now? Because you can’t afford that amazing private university in rural Vermont? Don’t worry. You’ll get there someday — as a tourist, not a student — which will ultimately be a better fit. Not least because it will keep you out of the life-altering, crippling debt carried by most people you will know. Trust me.
Future Self
Which roadside accessory is forbidden in Vermont? Allow me a paragraph and some bullet points:
My Vermont citizenship had been 15 years in coming. Finally and unexpectedly, I made it to the Green Mountain State. I lived in a town allegedly pregnant with tourists all summer long which locals scathingly reference all year. In between training for aerial and acrobatic classes I devoured every hiking trail I could get my hands on.
And observed lots of cute Vermont quirks:
A stroller ambles with his heifer – too cute!
A local friend’s local father says Brattleboro is “the most liberal town in the most liberal state in the nation.” Maybe! It would give the left coast a run for its money. Sure was a great place to live! photo: wikimedia commons
Is pork pie a good enough excuse to put a New Hampshire diner in a post about Vermont? photo: larry cultrera via dinerhotline
Before making it across upstate New York and visiting Niagra Falls, I spent a day working in cafes in Vermont’s capital — Montpelier – and Vermont’s largest city, Burlington. My memories of that road/work trip will be forever coated in the smell of fresh woodchips. Things I noticed when not hunched over a latte and a laptop:
Hot tip: don’t try the front door. It’s locked.
How can you not want to take off into those mountains?! photo: wikimedia commons
One last weird but cute Vermont thing?
They have the most adorable name for soft-serve: Creemee!
I never ate a creemee: temps were mostly outside of ice-cream enjoying range when I left. Guess I’ll have to join the summer throngs descending upon the Green Mountain State one year! ♣
Does the water tumbling over Niagara Falls hit the Atlantic in Canada or the U.S.?
I’m not a huge fan of New York’s interstate system.
Non-sensical numbering.
Three billion wasted signs.
I won’t say I had a bad time, though, as I made my way from circus school in Vermont to Niagra Falls.
Read on to find out how New York punishes those who text and drive and what it’s like to travel in modern America without a smartphone.
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