I had coffee in Norway the other day.
I could have walked out the coffee shop door and been in Mexico inside of an hour.
My secret?
I had coffee in Norway the other day.
I could have walked out the coffee shop door and been in Mexico inside of an hour.
My secret?
People kept referencing the Yukon in conversations. “Why are Vermonters, New Hampshireites, Connecticuters, etc. always discussing a nearly-uninhabited, Canadian wild-land four thousand miles away?” I wondered. A month later, a lightbulb moment: the Yukon Territory isn’t on the collective radar after all. What is?
“What the hell is that?!” I asked the horse trainer at the farm where I’d picked up work while house sitting in New Hampshire.
Sitting shotgun in his big black pick-up truck, I stared out the window at the neighbor’s untidy scene. Plastic tubing wound in and out of giant steel containers, all of it strung between a stand of naked trees.
Not that I know the first thing about meth labs, but this situation looked sketchy enough to qualify.
You’ve been dying to hear about my 3 a.m., post-skinny dipping, post-wedding-reception, post-after-party shenanigans.
I know.
Here goes:
Many Amsterdam residents worry about people going through their garbage, but it’s not identity thieves they fear.
“Do NOT challenge my map reading skills!” I barked at Boyfriend. I cast a furious glare over my shoulder from the bow of our canoe.
Hitler’s insanely effective, swift capture of Germany’s public defied logic. Here are some surprising factors involved in his seemingly-impossible achievement:
As a teenager, I highly esteemed my friend’s deodorant.
I spent the evening before my Thai massage class watching several men race headlong into the hurt-zone.
I dare you to find the 13th floor in any building in Thailand. Really. You’ll struggle. Superstition means the unlucky number even gets left out of hotel room sequences. 210, 211, 212, 214, 215…
In a similar vein, I witnessed a curious display after bargaining with a shirt-vendor in effort to update my wardrobe.
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