Elephant Chaffing & Becoming the Attraction

Happy All Saints Day!

Finally the sleeping schedule is nearing normalcy, and I got to sleep until nearly 7:30 this morning!   After some fantastic lounging and a light breakfast of toast and a fruit and yogurt shake (Lassi), we set off for the elephants!

Traveling and tourism always bring up a lot of ethical conflicts for me.   So, I asked our driver about how the elephants are treated  and if it maybe wasn’t a very good life for them hauling tourists around the jungle hills all day.   He assured me that the elephants had been previously employed in the timber industry – much harder  work than hauling tourists – and would now be retired without a home if not for the preserve.   I want to believe him!

After some standing around waiting our turn, watching a baby elephant play the kazoo and hula, and having my photo taken with a big male elephant, we climbed the tower to mount the elephants.   We were seated  by twos and threes onto  the elephant chairs where we rode through the jungle up and down the hills for about 1/2 an hour.   The best part of the ride for me was being in the canopy and coming face to face with my FAVORITE tropical fruit – the pinha!!   Never before had I dreamed of being able to identify  just what kind of tree this delicious piece of heaven came from.   MMMMM!!!

Mmmmmm… my absolute favorite tropical fruit. What’s it’s name in Thai? Don’t know!
You can’t even imagine how yummy this is. The sweet flesh melts in your mouth.

After riding the elephants in the hills, one at a time we were allowed to slide down off the chair and ride them “bareback” on our journey to the river.

I don’t know these guys, but this is what the elephant “saddle” is like…

Elephants do not have soft skin.   It is rough, leathery, and covered with wiry hair.   So despite my joy scratching the elephant behind the ears as we ambled toward the river, I managed (wearing my bikini bottom only) to accomplish  some serious chaffing.   Ouch!   We dismounted while the chairs were removed and rode them one at a time into the river so the elephants could cool off, and of course cool us off in the process.   Fun!

Joining the elephant for a dip! This was the best because the elephants seem to love it!
On the way back to the van, we became the attraction.   Having turned in my swimming top the night before (after a day of swimming) for washing, I didn’t have anything   but a bra and my swimming bottoms to wear.   Not a problem for an immodest individual  like myself.   At the elephant river, several Thais had congregated (especially men) to watch us swim in the river with the elephants and take photos of us.   I didn’t find this particularly offensive, as many Thais are fascinated by white skin.

As we were crossing the lawn through a group of about twenty people, several young women in their late teens gave us huge smiles and indicated that they’d like to take a photo of us.   When we said okay, they got really excited and then decided that they wanted photos WITH us.   So, we became the elephants as they all took turns having a photo with us.   We were busy being amused by this bizarre occurrence that it was only on the drive home that we realized we should have gotten out OUR cameras, too!   Our driver explained that they were from a place in Thailand that sees very few tourists and were so eager to take home photos of themselves with a caucasian.   Fun, fun!

Now we’re off to Sukothai – an ancient city north of Bangkok several hours.   Wish us luck on our first overnight bus ride!

Jungle Waterfalls & A Piece of History

So yesterday we landed in Kanchanaburi  (also “Kan”), and I am LOVING it.   The pace of the town is perfect – not too sleepy, but very laid back.   The surrounding area is filled  with national parks chock full of waterfalls, elephant rides, and history lessons.   Kanchanaburi  is home to the Bridge Over the River Kwai  – a key location  in WWII.   Thousands of allied prisoners along with thousands of Asians across the region were conscripted to build a rail line for the Japanese connecting Bangkok with India in the Japanese take-over of SE Asia.

The standard Thai bike taxi. I can’t believe both our American butts fit in there!

After a few hours on a bus from Bangkok, we arrived yesterday at the bus station (where I used my first Asian toilet, but I’ll save that for my “how it’s different from home” blog).   We haggled a bit with a few taxi drivers and ended up in a tiny chariot pulled by bike that dropped us at the Jolly Frog for 40 Baht.   Probably too much (about $1.15), but oh well!   Our hotel has a great view of the River Kwai, a quaint courtyard with hammocks, a walking path down to the river where there are floating lounges, and a nice outdoor restaurant.

The courtyard at our beloved “Jolly Frog” lodgings

We were starving, so we opted immediately for a place called “Fine.”   All the food here is GREAT, no matter where we eat, and this place was no exception.   After dropping off our duds for a washing (20 Baht – about 60 cents), we strolled through town checking out the scene and looking into cooking courses.   We made reservations for the tour we went on today, and then settled in for another Thai massage.   I was disappointed  to find my masseuse was the old woman who hadn’t returned my smile on the sidewalk in passing two hours previous. Thais are smilers, but she was an exception.   About half the time I felt relaxed and well-rubbed.   The other half was uncomfortable, ticklish, and sometimes painful.   Don’t think I’ll go back there again!

Thanks to Nicole’s (last night of) jet lag, we had some delicious tom yum soup and green curry for dinner and then hit the sack.   We lasted until nine!

The Jolly Frog doesn’t have hot water, which isn’t a huge issue when the ambient temperature never gets below 75 degrees.   It’s a lot easier to take a cold shower in the afternoon when it’s above 85, however!   I ordered a traditional Thai breakfast (rice soup with chicken) and was amused when the waitress tried to bring it to the only Thai woman in the place.

We met our tour guides out front at 8am and loaded up for the ride to Erawan  Falls.   It was about a mile and a quarter to the seventh fall at the top following the  tiered river all the way.   We clambered over tree roots and boulders, crossed slippery pools, climbed and descended rickety staircases in the jungle heat and were greeted  with one of the most breathtaking spectacles of my life.   I immediately stripped to my suit and jumped in the pale blue water.   Weeee!!!

The best staircase on the walk to the falls. Toward the top, they were just gnarled twigs nailed onto  gnarled branches to form a makeshift ladder!
My favorite fall. The photo of the view from the top doesn’t do it justice, so I guess you’ll just have to come see it with your own eyes! 🙂

On the way down, I indulged in three more swims (I have dreams about swimming – I love it so much), before we were fed lunch at one of the restaurant stalls – spicy rice and veggies for me!   Then it was on to the “Hellfire Pass Memorial Museum” and to Hellfire Pass itself.

Many parts of the WWII Japanese rail-line claimed thousands of lives, including the construction of  the bridge over the River Kwai.   However, the clearing of Hellfire Pass claimed more lives than any single installation on the rail line.   Because the Japanese didn’t have the skills or technology for tunneling, captured Allied prisoners had to cut down through dense jungle and limestone rock to clear a path for the train. (i.e. they had to clear a tunnel AND everything that would normally be above a tunnel – a mini canyon in the mountainside.) Hellfire Pass, so named for the fires that burned as prisoners were forced to work 18 hours of backbreaking labor at a stretch, is an incredible and shocking place.

The entry to the huge length of line cleared for the Japanese railway by Allied prisoners and local laborers.

The memorial museum was enlightening and shocking, but the audio tour walking down hellfire pass was truly illuminating.   Listening to the testimonials of the prisoners as the sharp stones underfoot pressed into my sandals, I could vividly imagine the horror of being forced to work barefoot and starving, with festering jungle sores all over my mostly naked body carrying heavy rocks for hours while guards beat me at their whim.   Oh. my. god. I also learned what Cholera is today, thanks to the tour – a nasty, horrible, and terrifying disease.   Moving on, we visited a cave along the rail line that was used  as a base camp for the Japanese Army and then rode the “Death Train” along tapioca fields before being bussed to the bridge over the River Kwai.   The bridge ended up being un-inspirational, after spending so much time before I left reading about it.

The famous Bridge Over the River Kwai. I thought it would be more magnificent. Or maybe more… wooden.

It’s been highly commercialized, and its steel structures and concrete pilings make it seem like far less a task than the awful Hellfire Pass. We returned to our hotel sweaty and still slightly damp from the falls.   After a shower, we dropped off our laundry and headed out to dinner at a fantastic Indian restaurant (hey – you can’t eat Thai EVERY night!).   Before coming here, we booked our elephant trekking and swimming trip for tomorrow.   Can’t wait!!

Bangkok Tour

What a jam-packed day in Bangkok!   Nicole, thanks to her jet-lag, was up at 3am, 5am, etc wide awake (since it was respectively 3pm, 5pm in Omaha).   I, however, slept soundly until 7am, at which time we launched our busy day.

The hostel breakfast is adequate (bread, croissants, banana muffins, toast, jelly, butter, (some weird green spread the texture of pudding) watermelon, pineapple.

Jim Thompson’s living room with historical pieces from Thailand, China, Belgium, Italy, and more!

First stop was the Jim Thompson house.   At first, I wasn’t interested because it didn’t seem like Thai culture.   Really, it is.   My Grandma J. would have loved it.

The main house in the Jim Thompson grounds, made in classic Thai style with teak wood.

Jim Thompson was an architect and soldier who stayed in Thailand and helped grow and connect the silk trade to the rest of the world reaping great economic benefits for the Thais.   He also collected Asian artifacts (the part my grandma would love), and his traditional Thai house is filled with 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th century paintings, statues, imports, and more.   It was incredible!

The flowers are everywhere! My father would love all the different flowers here!

I learned, among other things,: 1) Why no shoes: The Thai take their shoes off often when entering buildings (in fact, I had to take mine off to come into this internet cafe) because traditionally they eat sitting in a circle on the floor.   For this reason, it is very important to them that the floor stays clean. 2) Thai Buddhas (different from the Chinese Buddhas most Americans are used  to) have long ears because it symbolizes long life. 3) Traditional Thai construction of doorways dictates that you step over a threshold about 12 inches high.   Originally, this kept babies from crawling out of the house when houses were always located on the river and the baby could drown easily.

A classic street vendor in Bangkok where I take my meals as often as possible. YUM! and cheap!

Conveniently, it down-poured while we were on our tour in the house.   Afterward, while it was sprinkling, we had some delicious business (rice and veggies with lots of good sauce) from a street vendor before hopping   back on the skytrain  to our next destination – Wat Pho.   Wat means temple, of which there are several, probably about 40 large ones, in Bangkok.   Wat Pho is the biggest and has the biggest reclining Buddha (indicating the exact moment of enlightenment) in all of Thailand. We had to take a river taxi to get there, which was less charming than I had hoped.   I pictured a quaint river surrounded by jungle canopy.   Nope.   Just a big rushing slur of muddy water with lilies floating everywhere and skyscrapers right up to the  cement banks.   C’est  la vie!   The taxi was fast and much cooler than a city bus or walking!

The temple grounds at Wat Pho.

The single most remarkable thing about the reclining Buddha at Wat Pho is its size!   Incredible!   After taking our shoes off, we were allowed to walk around the perimeter of the Buddha, almost half a football field in length!   The intricate painting of the walls was remarkable as well.   On the wat grounds, we saw hundreds of other Buddhas.   The intricate detail on everything from the roofs to the windows, the walkways, etc. was really amazing.

After we were wat-ted out (I can stare at mountains forever, but human-made objects hold my attention momentarily), we headed to the backpacker district.   We had chosen not to stay there because it is far away from all the public transport.   We walked the streets, bought some pineapple from a street vendor, window-shopped, and then headed inside for our first Thai massage  (by this time, Nicole was exhausted, it being 5am in Omaha).

About 1/5th of the largest reclining Buddha in Thailand!

The massage  (and the opportunity to rest for an hour) was wonderful.   It was different than  what you’d picture in the U.S.   Here, massages  are given in a roomful of mattress-sized cushions with your clothing on.   We got half reflexology  (foot) massage, and half Thai massage laying side by side on a raised platform.   The reflexology  was nice (and sometimes painful) – your basic foot massage.   The Thai massage is about pushing and pulling and poking and pressure points.   The move around your body a lot, but are always sitting next to you, between your legs, under your head, etc.   A lot of it was the kind of massage I am accustomed  to.   Some of it, however was surprising – like when the guy had me sit in front of him and somehow worked me from that position  to being face first up in the air on his feet like some kind of circus act.   It felt good, though, and it was fun!

Your basic Thai massage parlor depicting one of the basic massage moves. Stretchy, stretchy!

We headed back to the river afterwards, but decided to stop at Chinatown to make the most of our all-day boat pass.   Big mistake when tired.   It was dirty, heavily polluted (diesel fumes hanging in the air everywhere), smelled awful, dark, dirty, dirty, dirty, and gross.   After a mile lap around the neighborhood, we hopped our final  boat back to the skytrain and rode back to our hostel.   After some quick “Pad Thai”   (spicy noodles, bean sprouts, green onions, shrimp, egg, cabbage, lime, and peanuts) from a street vendor, we couldn’t help but collapse into our beds (yes, at 8 p.m.!)   I’ll try not to get used to getting so much rest! 🙂

Little Arabia

After Diana left for work this morning, I walked down to Tesco to get a few things.   She doesn’t have a “proper” shower, as she tells it.   No shower curtain, as is typical in countries outside of the US and Europe.   The whole bathroom it tiled, so it doesn’t matter if it gets wet.   I thought, as  a housewarming gift, I would get her a curtain to help the place feel more homey.

Greeting the morning with a visit to the local corporate distributor! No wonder I’m not feeling a lot of culture shock!

The Tesco  is like a Super Walmart.   Outside of the Tesco  but inside the same building (sort of like a mini mall), I bought the first thing that looked edible for breakfast – an Auntie Anne’s pretzel!   I wish I had waited longer.   At the other end of the strip was a food court with hot, real food.   C’est la vie!

My Thai is coming along alright.   I can say “hello” and “thank you.”   However, since they’re the only two phrases I know, I ofter  get them confused.   I’m sure it’s a hoot for the cashiers each time I depart  with a “hello!” instead of “korp  kun ka!”   So far gesturing, pointing, paper, and a tendency to see the humor in the situation has gotten me along quite well.

My first order of business, after arranging my things and showering up, was to find a hostel for Nicole and I to stay in.   She’s getting in quite  late tonight, but it was almost bedtime in the US for my mother, who has agreed to be  our intermediary since we have no direct method of contact.   I decided against looking for a place in the slightly cheaper backpacking district.   I heard it’s  loud, obnoxious, and chaotic – I’m sure it’s full of my least favorite traveller – those who are here for the booze and the nightlife.   Who spends $1,000 on a plane ticket to nurse a bottle and get cirhosis?

Anyway, the backpacking district is also inconveniently far from most forms of public transport, excepting  the really slow buses and the really expensive moto  taxis.   Which, I suppose, is why it’s cheaper than more  convenient places.   (Tanget:  “Why,” I asked Diana this morning, “are the moto taxi’s as expensive or more expensive than the more comfortable car taxis?”   Answer: they’re fast.   In a city that’s in almost constant grid lock, speed trumps comfort, I guess!

So, Nicole and I are now checked in to the dorm #21 at Suk 11 – a hostel in a great neighborhood really close to “Little Arabia.”   I hope I can find photos for you, since words can’t do this place justice.   It’s like a shabby disneyland version of Robinson Crusoe’s tree house.

What a great place! It’s so dark and disneyland  mysterious inside that you can’t capture the ambience in a photo. But it’s great atmosphere!

It’s all done up in dark wood like the Tiki Room, and the walkway between the rooms is an elevated  solid bridge with planks.   The whole place is covered  in jungle.   My favorite part about the place so far is the giant, beautiful,  waist hign urn in the hallway between every two rooms.   There are two plastic, not-so-beautiful buckets on top with “In case of fire” written on them.   How practical!

After a chat with mom my to pass the directions onto  Nicole, my grumbling stomach guided me towards “Al Hussein’s” in Little Arabia.   I had the best Vegetable Biryani and then bought some pineapple off the street.   Now it’s on to find postcards for my CASA kid and maybe to the park or chaotic Chinatown.   Do I need a nap?

Mmmm… lunch! I know, I know… what am I doing eating middle eastern food in Thailand? I can’t help it! It’s familiar, delicious, and in my neighborhood!

Diana Wasn’t Home…

It took me a bit to find Diana (the couchsurfing  host’s) house.   I took the skytrain  and followed the streets using educated guesses looking for 205.   I kept passing 201, crossing an intersection and then  seeing 283.    I showed a man standing  on the curb the address and he pointed me in the right direction.

The sky train – the fastest and best way to go long distances around Bangkok. No traffic! At $.30 – $1 a ride, or $4 for an all day pass, it’s great!

When I arrived, the door up to the apartments was  open, so I climbed to the second floor and knocked on  my hostess-to-be’s  door.   No answer. 🙁   So, I stationed  myself on the couch at the top of the  stairs and started pondering what I would do if the stay fell through.   Then I knocked again.   Still no  answer.   So, I went to inquire  at the front desk as to whether I might pay to stay here anyway for a night.   The woman spoke no English, and I no Thai, so after some funny exchanges, I finally wrote “Diana” and her apartment number on a piece of paper.   Score!   She got (the very british) Diana on the phone for me.   Our conversation went something like this:

Diana: “Hello?”

Me: “Hi – Diana?   Is this Diana”

D: “Yes.   This is Diana.”

M: “Oh, hi.   Are you coming home soon?”

D: “Hello?   I can’t hear you.   Who is this?”

M: “Hello?”  Diana?

D: “Yes.   Who is this.”

M: “This is Jema.”

D: “Who?”

M: “Jema.   From couchsurfing?

D: silence.   silence… silence… ” OH SHIT!   SHIT  SHIT SHIT  SHIT SHIT!   Oh I’m so sorry!   Oh the room is a total mess and my things are everywhere!   Oh shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

She  came home fifteen minutes later, apologizing until I begged her to stop.   I tried repeatedly to convince her that I was so thankful that she was still going to let me stay.   Since we’d both eaten, we took moto  taxis to the 7-11 by her friend’s house.   We became part of the river of rushing motos  squeezing through impossibly small gaps in traffic.   She laughed at me the whole way there since I apparently didn’t know how to hold on with my knees instead of my hands, like a local would.

We bought several beers and headed up the street to Matt and Julie’s apartment.   Diana teaches english at a local school, and she made friends with the newest crop of teachers that had arrived.   Matt and Julie are from Texas.   Sarah from Massachusets  and Hans from Germany live in the same building.   We sat around drinking beers, looking at pictures, telling stories, and ordering in KFC  until midnight.   Not exactly what I was expecting for my first evening in Bangkok, but it made for a supersoft “landing” and took the edge of the culture shock – of which I am feeling almost none.   I did feel a bit like I was in college.   The apartments here are pretty spartan – really just a single room with a bed, desk, table, fridge, and closet, and a bathroom behind a door in the corner.   Since there is no furniture, everyone sits on the bed, just like in a dorm room.

I fel straight asleep when we got back and slept soundly until around 6am.   Diana had warned me that I would wake up very early feeling completely rested until my inner clock adjusts over the next few days.

So far, everything is great!


Imagine my surprise when, this morning (afternoon?   evening?) I went to write a purchase in my $$ journal, and I discovered I had lost a day.   I left late on the 25th, and suddenly it was the 27th!

Two plane rides and one airport bus have landed me smack in the center of Bangkok.   Traffic was awful from the airport, and it is a city like all others.   It reminds me a lot of Chicago with its skytrain  constantly running overhead.   It’s hot and muggy and I like it!   After being blasted with air conditioning for 25 hours straight, it feels good to be wrapped in a warm, cozy blanket of air!

I got my last flight bumped up, and went from an eight hour layover to three, but now am killing time in a mall that would rival Minnesota’s Mall of America.   My hostess-to-be, Diana, isn’t expecting me until after 5.   I also haven’t heard from her in a week, so there’s a good chance that I’m about to spend a few hours running in circles around Bangkok (if she doesn’t answer her door). 🙂

In general, a city is a city, no matter where you are.   However, things thus far that have reminded me I’m not in Kansas, as they say:

1) Painting the chain link fence gray.   There were several teams of folk with paint rollers a step away from highway traffic painting the chain link fences along the highways a lighter shade of grey.   Why?

2) People living between the jersey barriers (the big concrete barriers they use on interstates).   Lots of shacks set up on the small patches of land where different sections of interstate connect.

3) Motorcycles making their own lane between the stopped traffic with two inches to spare.   Yikes!

4) Concrete Sky Train pillars green-ifying  the city with  lattice work of house plants.   I’ll try to get a picture.

5)  Left hand traffic!   I think this is my first time in a place with left hand traffic.   My heart leapt into my throat as we pulled away from the curb at the airport and no one was driving!!!   Pedestrian traffic is left hand as well, which took a few awkward, jet lagged run ins  on the elevated walk way before that little fact dawned on me…

Okay… I have 3 minutes remaining in my session here.   I apologize for the dry blog – I’m really jet lagged.   Wish me luck in finding Soi 50 and the Golden House.   Cross your fingers that Diana is there!

I’m Ready!!!

I can’t believe the day is finally here!   Even more, I can’t believe I got everything done.   I’m so relieved.

At home, the only thing left to do is cast my absentee ballot.   I’ll do so on the car ride to San Fran today.   There are lots of issues and things to decide on, and I’m terrified of the coming election day.     Glad to be watching from afar!

Good bye, house! Good bye, Pat!

Now it’s the car ride south, spending all day with my best friend Magdalena (for whom it is slightly, but not totally convenient to be  delivering me to the airport – thanks Mags!), and then 25 hours on planes and in airports.   I’m headed to a couchsurfers apartment in Bangkok for my first night – a Venezuelan woman who seems really cool.   Okay… Mags is yelling that we’re late leaving (we are.   Sorry.   I’m bad at being on time.)

All my love! Jema 🙂

Bountiful Luck

I am madly in love with Humboldt County.   Arcata is  a wonderful town full of fantastic people, beautiful old victorians, bi-weekly farmer’s market’s, gorgeous views of the bay, open farmland and pastures in almost every neighborhood, and tons of mom and pop shops all within walking distance.   The whole county is a cluster of fantastic small towns, each with it’s own charms and offerings.

one of the awesome veggie stands at the plaza farmer’s market where Pat and I went to buy peaches, kale, eggs, tomatoes, and eggplant today. Mmmm…!

Since we’ve arrived this place has treated us to endless luck:

(1) As I mentioned in the last blog, Kari and Brent have been incredible hosts, excellent friends, and great resources.   We also managed to land a to-die-for apartment in an old victorian house for well under market value.

The Arcata marsh, a beautiful running/birdwatching/walking/relaxing spot almost in Brent and Kari’s backyard.

(2) Our first weekend here, we hit the garage sales for furniture.   We had nothing, save for Pat’s roll-top desk and a lazy boy recliner.   What do we need?   Anything.   Everything.   Tables, chairs, bed, couches, lamps, desk, plants, pots, pans, plates, cups, bookshelves… you name it.   Unexpected events turned our route around backwards, and we ended up at our first ever estate-sale just as it was starting.   We really clicked with the women hosting the sale, and for $105 we got an almost-new bed for two, floor lamp, dresser, full-length mirror, kitchen supplies, coffee table, five-foot-tall corn plant,  political maps of every continent, great posters, towels, linens, and gorgeous wine glasses.

The beach near a house out in one of the tiny country towns where we went to buy a bookshelf. This adorable retired couple gave us a tour of their entire place complete with barns, stables, indoor pond, and a century plant blooming for it’s first and only time in it’s life.

(3) What’s more: when we went to pick up the stuff days later, they also gave us a vacuum cleaner, a bag of cleaning supplies, and an old movie poster.   Off-hand, one of the women asked if we knew anyone interested in coaching children’s gymnastics.   Now, ten days and one interview  later, I am employed by the city of Arcata as a gymnastics instructor!   I’m so excited.   The kids are all under seven, and I get the idea it’s more obstacle courses than cartwheels.   I start on Wednesday. I can’t wait!

(4) We attended our first-ever auction, complete with chili-dogs, nachos, and yummy chocolate milk shakes.   The crowd was definitely the country-music blasting type, and Pat and I felt right at home.   Over a period of four hours, we managed to accumulate $100 worth of stuff (bidding is so exciting!).   We ended up with three stackable tables, an extremely comfortable couch and matching chair, a bookshelf, a desk for me ($5!!!), tiled coffee table, a box of books, and a desk chair for Pat.

(5) Finally, last weekend, I cracked the garage sales bright and early – we managed to get a matching oak table (with leaves) and gorgeous chairs for $80!   I can’t believe our luck.   We were also given a free case of wine and a wine rack.   Today, a woman sold us a beautiful set of dinner plates, tea plates, and bowls (9 each) from an old catering business for $8!

All in all, we’ve furnished our entire beautiful apartment with mostly high-quailty furniture for under $300.   I’m eternally grateful.

Other great news: we are starting a garden, and I am so excited.   It’s my second gardening experience, and the first time I’ll have my very own vegetables growing right outside my front door.   I’m thrilled to be able to grow things through the winter.   We’ve got our starts going indoors, and our project for the rest of the day is to get the garden soil prepped.   We are going to plant carrots, snow peas, snap peas, red onions, walla walla onions, chives (green onions), kohlrabi, cilantro, Italian kale, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, and  dwarf blue kale.   We’ve also got some oregano and basil going on the window-sill.   Mmm, mmm, good!

Pat is taking 18 credits this term in the hopes that he can hammer out his last requirements as quickly as possible and be done with it.   Iraq and a change of major have set him back a little farther than we’d hoped.   On the brighter side, he’s got a job in the Veteran’s Affairs office on campus, and is applying to be a building supervisor for the city.   He’s got a pretty good shot at the latter, so we should be set between our jobs, savings, tuition assistance, and G.I. bill.   After our month of travelling at Christmas, I will get serious about getting a full-time job and/or researching Master’s programs.   I thought about getting my MBA, but the program here isn’t quite what I’m looking for.   I’m looking into grant writing, event planning, outdoor leadership positions, and nutritionist possibilities, among other things.   Who knows?!

Homeless in Humboldt County

We rolled into Arcata mid-afternoon on Monday.   I hated it almost immediately.   I was expecting a Eugene-like town full of wonderful old trees, pretty flower gardens, and streets buzzing with energy.   This place had the feel of an tiny town in Iowa where people sit around and watch paint dry.   Trees exist, but they weren’t the towering wonders we had in mind.   The streets were dead, save for random pedestrians, and I immediately craved the energy I had been expecting.   Disappointment started to seep in, and I wondered if maybe I had bitten off more than I could chew.   Three years in this place?   Oh god.

Downtown Arcata (where you form your first impression) is in the flatlands between the hills and the ocean, which explains why downtown isn’t a forest (to my dismay).

I had been making cell-phone calls to rental ad phone numbers the whole way, so we swung by city hall to pick up a map to lead us on our immediate house-hunting expedition.   We had exactly 48 hours to find a house, apply, and unload the Uhaul before Pat started orientation on Thursday.   After spending the day driving or walking by dump after dump, my heart sunk lower and lower as we peered in each dirty window at ten-year-old carpet, teeny-tiny kitchens with peeling laminated cupboards and yellowed cracking linoleum.   After a depressing day, we headed for Kari and Brent’s place.

(Tangent {copied from another blog, so I apologize to those who read both}):   Back at the coal mine there is an awesome day-shift mechanic from Gillette, Luther.   We are both bus riders, and chat all the time.   Luther gets wind that I’m quitting and asks me about future plans, so I spew out my most recent passion which is to get into nutrition while in Arcata and earn a degree that will give me the credentials to teach Americans what their government won’t about food.   Luther’s says his niece lives in California and is a nutritionist for a school district out there, so I get her number.   I am expecting a pleasant, mid-thirties with children, average person, but instead I get the amazing, incredibly enthusiastic, high-spirited, friendly Kari on the other end of the line.   Not only does she live and work in California in the field that I am interested in going into, not only does she have tons of great advice and connections, but she also live in ARCATA with her boyfriend Brent and is going to let us shower and cook at her house for the time we are homeless in Humboldt County.   They are really fun, amazing people, and we spent all Wednesday night having some excellent chow at a local brewery and checking out the downtown Arcata scene, complete with a bar that makes me feel very much at home with 80% country music for offer on the jukebox located directly beneath their largest trophy, an elk mount…)

Anyway… Tuesday we tried a new angle and went to the university for help.   After messing around with Pat’s laptop for an hour while I thumbed through the paper ads, Drew, the res-net genius, let us into a password-free computer lab.   Unfortunately, we found similar slim pickin’s online, including one lady who used her email instead of phone number in the add.   I emailed her with my number and let her know that telephone was our only real means of contact.   Twenty minutes later, when we were trying to convince Melissa and Maya to let us be their 3rd bedroom roommates, the email woman, Carolyn,  called.   She wanted to set up a showing for her 2bd. Victorian apartment.   I was less enthusiastic.   So far, we had cancelled all showings once we drove by for a preview.   I told her we’d drive by today, and if we liked it, we’d set up the showing like she wanted on the following day.   Meanwhile Melissa and Maya were hinting that they weren’t that interested in getting two roommates for the price of one, but Maya needed a ride downtown.   We had planned to go uptown first, but rearranged our schedule for her.   Miracle of miracles!   When we drove by to assess whether or not we’d want a showing, Carolyn was there checking in with the tenants who were on their way out!   She showed us around our dream apartment; an incredibly spacious two bedroom with a cute living room, large bedrooms, a huge kitchen complete with hardwood floors, beautiful new wooden cupboards, and new appliances, washer/dryer, huge bathroom, new carpet, an amazing landscaped yard full of blackberries, raspberries, apple trees and more, all for $300 under market value!   I offered her our references on the spot, she wrote out a make-shift application, and we dropped them off later that night.   She called us in the morning to offer us tenency!!

When we went to sign papers Wednesday morning, the only hiccup was that instead of getting to move in over the weekend before school started, we’d have to wait until the following Wednesday.   Eeek!   We were really hoping to be out of Kari and Brent’s hair before Kari’s five person family rolled into town on Thursday, but no luck.   Fortunately, we could off-load the Uhaul in the house’s storage space.   We packed it all in the room  and then  spent three nights sleeping in the Uhaul and three more nights in our tent pitched in Brent and Kari’s backyard, bless their hearts.

Friday was a riot.   After orientation, we met the fam (Kari’s) and headed to the deserted, amazing, Samoa beach where the ocean raged against the sandy beach while we huddled around our mini bon-fire, shared beers, and toasted marshmellows.   We got to meet two of Kari’s good friends, Michelle and Vicki, and Michelle’s dog.   We  told stories until the first round of sleepiness set in, and then headed home!

Where There’s a Will…

Most people would plan, in advance, not to tax themselves in the ways we have upon return from Brazil.   However, we’re not most people.

Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. Mountain Time, we touched down at DIA and dialed up my Grandmother waiting in the traffic queue to come pick us up (thank you, thank you, thank you!).   We’ve been so jet lagged and travel worn these past few months that it’s more a permanent state of being for us rather than something to recover from.   So, in the highest spirits possible, we grabbed breakfast at the most American breakfast spot we can find and finally had some familiar chow.   After gathering all our belongings and spending a last-minute-hour on the internet making sure there wasn’t a to-die-for four-door on the Denver market that should be immediately purchased by yours-truly (I’m in the market for a car for those of you who didn’t know.   Long story.), we began our six-hour zombie drive up to Gillette in time to arrive early enough to shower and still get dinner at Humphrey’s.   Mmmm!!

For some reason, I guess it’s that we grew up with most of these people and also that Patch and I are outgoing individuals, we know a bartender at almost all the main haunts in Gillette.   Nice when you look 17 and forget your I.D., which of course, I did.   So, we plopped down at the bar to order the first round, and before we know it, our man Preston is serving up the celebration shots and we’ve committed to hanging around the bar after dinner with the fam.   As is common for Gillette, mecca of energy production and construction, we meet a few traveling businessmen at the bar and start waxing poetic about the nostalgia that accompanies a Gillette-upbringing.   We’re telling them about the fantastic Karaoke when we realize, “Oh. my. god.   Tonight is Friday Karaoke at Eastside!”   Of course we’re going, so we invite them along with us, and they do the cool thing and come!   Other high-school pals home for the summer join in, and before we know it, too many rounds are coming our way.   C’est la vie!

We danced the night away, sang our hearts out, and returned home to crash.   This was our first night in a completely dark room (usually there are city lights or yard lights or hallway lights sneaking in the windows) and the heat from the day had settled in the room.   We woke up in the middle of the night sweating, frantic, and confused in a room full of towers of half-packed boxes and stuff waiting to be packed.

Me (somewhat upset): “Pat!   Where are we!?”

Pat:   “I don’t know.   I’m trying to find the light, but I keep bumping into stuff.”

Me:   “Where are we?!   Turn the light on right now!”

Pat:   “I’m trying.   I can’t find it.”

Me: (almost crying and confused by my raging fever):   “It’s so hot.   I have to get out of here!”

Pat: (turns on the light)

Jema: (stumbles to door and bursts into the living room welcoming the cool air)

Unfortunately, we greeted the next morning with hangovers and big plans full of the necessary banking errands, etc.   By afternoon we’d done everything except load the Uhaul, so when the family started showing up for the goodbye-barbecue, we enlisted their help.   Many hands make light work, so we had the Uhaul loaded and locked about fifteen minutes before one of the typical, raging, Wyoming afternoon thunderstorms rolled through and soaked everything.

We did the smart thing that night.   We stayed home and let our friends drink most the beer, so getting up at seven to finish loading bits and pieces wasn’t as much of a challenge as the previous day.   Thanks only to Paul (Pat’s dad), we were ready to leave in time to make our lunch date in Casper with my sister, nephew, and grandparents.   We said sad goodbyes and set out across the prairie.

Goodbye little hometown! I will miss you when I’m gone. See you at Christmas!

Lunch at a Mexican restaurant (a ethnic food that, sadly, is virtually non-existent in Brazil) was heaven with great company and good conversation.   We made Salt Lake by 9:00, and Reno shortly after sun-up.   The mountains we had to cross in Northern California are gorgeous, and a real pain-in-the-rear with a huge, long-bed pick-up and Uhaul combo.   We rolled into Arcata in the mid-afternoon glad to be well on our way to consistent, and somewhat predictable daily lives!