Springtime and a shocking sayonara to semi-settled life.
This week launched in Atlanta, Georgia. I spent many free moments in previous weeks in the American south inexplicably worried about how I was going to prepare for my upcoming return to full-time travel via Australia/Idaho/Wyoming/Oregon to start. Thankfully, by the time I took my second photo of the week, those fears were laid to rest.
Photo lesson of the week: uh… too busy to think about these sorts of things right now. Sorrynotsorry.
March 26:

I wish I could claim this snap was sentimental. Really, I just remembered I’d failed to snap a photo when the whole extended family came over for a BBQ and so still hadn’t hit my daily photo quota.
March 27:

Last round of kombucha! Crazy!
March 28:

Thanks to conversations with two awesome peeps, I talked myself out of putting off “start running” until after my April/May trip. Just do it(?)! Going to miss my nerdy little running hat. #goodbyearizona
March 29:

Been meaning to grab a snap of this life fixture of mine that was originally quite light on meaning. At a farm in Hawaii four years ago, a Buddhist monk came to bless a little cobb oven being built on the property. We all sat for the ceremony, and afterward he gave everyone a simple bracelet he’d made with five beads representing the tenets of Buddhism. Not one for jewelry, I offered up my ankle instead. * * * * * * * * Now: This little string has been attached to me as I’ve made my way across four continents (twice!), nine countries, three oceans, and six global farms. It’s tumbled about on circus apparatuses and been stuffed into snow boots, city boots, work boots, horse riding boots, and steel-toed boots. I can’t believe it’s held on for over 1,000 days. Every time I snag it, I think its time has finally come. Any day now!
March 30:

Last morning kicking it at home with my favorite little snap-chatter.
March 31:

Poor dove made her nest right outside the front door… and couldn’t handle all the coming and going. Abandoned ship. 🙁
April 1:

The April Fool’s joke was the weather. It’s not often you have to bring blankets to a baseball game in Arizona.
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