Six places in seven days! What a wild week.
Photo or goal-related lesson? Ummm… I guess having to go through my “vacation” photos to pick the one by which I want to remember the day is an interesting exercise is noticing how I value different experiences.
April 16:

Love me a cloudy sky! The view from our accommodation of Mt. Wellinton and the perfect stormy sky. I love Hobart already!
April 17:

MONA blew my mind. And I’m not even an art person! My favorite exhibits don’t make for good photos, but this one was really fun. And the artist is 84! Or was it 87?!
April 18:

More clouds, this time with small-town Tasmanian historic architecture as the backdrop. Loved this little corner of the island! Beautiful sunset walk around the waterfront just out of Cygnet right after snapping this photo.
April 19:

Best path I’ve ever seen on a high-alpine hike. What a treat! Thank you Hartz Peak!
April 20:

(I apologize for the orientation. I couldn’t bear the wordpress battle.) Both Gabrielle and I expected the Tahune Airwalk to be a bit cheesy and touristy. It was spectacular. How amazing to walk in the woods under pines that grow for thousands of years and then get up into the treetops!
April 21:

(I apologize for the orientation. I couldn’t bear the wordpress battle.) These signs are everywhere in Tasmania, and don’t always feature kangaroos. For what it’s worth, they are there for a reason. We saw roadkill every 100 yards or so. Although I don’t remember ever seeing a (dead) kangaroo.
April 22:

One of the things about America that makes me really sad is sugar, sugar, sugar in everything, and yogurt is a perfect example. At a big box grocer, Americans are pretty hard pressed to find an unadulterated, sugar-free, yogurt-as-it-has-always been product. Here, the bulk of the yogurt section is just regular yogurt. #realfood
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