I was only breaking the law in one of these photos.
Goodbye Australia, hello Idaho!
Photo lesson of the week: hmm… I feel like I’m finally in the habit of noticing things, which was the whole point of goal #3. Don’t worry. I’m not about to let down my guard.
May 14:

Last full day in Western Australia!
May 15:

House construction in Australia always fascinates me. Those red bricks will eventually match the second story.
May 16:

Last day in Melbourne, this building in Flemington caught my eye.
May 17:

Whoa. Brilliant. Handwashing in the middle, dryer in the wings. At the airport, no less.
May 18:

My friends have the best backyard. Especially for raising kids!
May 19:

This gas station had beer on tap. AND KOMBUCHA ON TAP!
May 20:

Camping in the mountains = happy Jema!
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