Here’s what happens when you fail to resurrect enthusiasm for a 52 week goal in the 48th week…
I’m pretty over the photo-a-day facet that makes me stop and smell the roses… as mentioned last week. Or maybe it’s that my life is so packed at the moment that I resent spending any moments of time on anything but battling the constantly looming wall of overwhelm? Ironic, as stopping to smell the roses is one of the best cures for overwhelm, is it not?
November 26:
I almost took a photo of the incredible evening sunset (you’ve gotta give it to the desert on that front). I decided I’d “do it later.” Y’all know what happens when you fail to follow the five-second rule.
November 27:

90 degrees (that’s 32 to those who speak Celsius) at the end of November. Christmas music playing on the radio, and I have to get my run in before mid-day so I don’t overheat. SMH. This isn’t normal, btw. In the last ten years that I’ve been in AZ this time of year, daytime highs have been low 70s on good days, with plenty of days where it doesn’t get about 50.
November 28:

When you let the toddler be in charge of refrigerator/window decal snowman assembly. Not bad!
November 29:

Rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. Okay, maybe just the rich. I’ve been getting to do work retreats at my friend’s vacant apartment here in Tucson. The nearby resort has a coffee shop and a grand view. Not a bad place to grab some wifi.
November 30:

On my errands in a new part of Tucson, I discovered a day-brightening bridge!
December 1:
I worked all day at my friend’s apartment, then rushed home to workout and prepare for a day full of nephew time.
December 2:

My goal, whenever in Arizona, is to spend some one on one quality time with each family member. When I realized my nephew really liked trains, I wished I could take him on a train ride. I can! Passenger trains stop in Tucson. We hopped on, rode an hour down the line, and hopped off. He loved it. The train employees were not impressed with our desire to get a photo in front of their late train.
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