How to Make Butter: Homemade Butter Step by Step Tutorial

Learning how to make butter at home is very easy. As long as you have fresh milk or cream available, you can easily make the creamiest homemade butter ever!

How to Make Butter:

  1. Let fresh milk stand for a few hours to separate the cream. Most of the time, you do not have to do anything since this happens naturally. You can also make homemade butter by starting with cream.
  1. Whip the cream to separate the fat content (butter) from the liquid (buttermilk) 1Buttermilk is the liquid that remains when fat is removed from cream. It contains low fat content, appears watery and is sour in taste. The sour taste is due to lactic acid, which in turn is used to make yogurt, sourdough and sour cream. Buttermilk needs to be completely eliminated from butter to prevent it from spoiling easily.. Technically, whipping the cream is the first step in making homemade butter.
how to make butter, step 2: whipping - making the best homemade butter ever

How to Make Butter, Step 2: whipping & step3: pouring through cheesecloth. Well on our way to the best homemade butter ever!

  1. After whipping, pour the resulting mixture through a cheesecloth to capture the butter blobs and separate them from the rest of the liquid.
  1. Transfer the butter in a bowl filled with cold water and massage it to release the butter milk that remains. Dump the cloudy water, add fresh, and repeat until the water runs clear – three to four times.

    how to make the best homemade butter ever - washing the butter

    How to make the best homemade butter ever? WASH the butter!  You are removing the buttermilk, which would otherwise cause the butter to quickly spoil.

  1. Expel the remaining water from your homemade butter through “patting.” The process starts with maneuvering the butter blob between two wooden paddles. Let the blob rest in one paddle and smack it firmly on the top and sides with the other paddle to release the water. Switch the blog to the other paddle and repeat until there is no more water released from the butter blob.
how to make butter step 5 - dry the butter after washing for the creamiest homemade butter ever

Washed butter is transferred onto butter paddles to be “patted” – i.e. forcing remaining water out of the butter.  Getting the butter “dry” ensures you’ll have the creamiest homemade butter ever!  You might be able to find a paddle substitute.  However, if you want to make the best homemade better ever, you’ll have to make a small investment.  

  1. For a deliciously easy homemade butter recipe, add chopped French tarragon and salt to taste.
  1. Take only what you need for the day and freeze the remaining of your homemade butter.

Now you know how to make butter!

Spread your homemade butter on toast, use it to make homemade dishes, or bake butter cookies! If you love baking cakes, you may also use this in making butter icing or butter cream filling. For a different flavor, add minced garlic, parmesan cheese, Italian seasoning, paprika and pepper. Voila! You now have garlic butter!

I first learned to make homemade butter on a farm in Australia.  Here’s the whole story.


1 Buttermilk is the liquid that remains when fat is removed from cream. It contains low fat content, appears watery and is sour in taste. The sour taste is due to lactic acid, which in turn is used to make yogurt, sourdough and sour cream. Buttermilk needs to be completely eliminated from butter to prevent it from spoiling easily.

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