Here’s a collection of mishaps from the road for the folks who regularly admonish me to write a book. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
May armchair travelers be entertained.
May fellow globetrotters be saved the growing pains of doing it firsthand!
Bad Decisions: Deadline Races
My nasty habit of over-achieving and endless optimism often join forces just moments before I’m due at events, airports, and train platforms…
- Why Nothing is Ever on Time in the Philippines
- When You Don’t Have a Smartphone in Portugal
- Why I Shoulda Bought a New Towel
- What Not to Do Before a Wedding

“?! And then what happened?!!!!!” photo: petra
The Unexpected
When traversing foreign lands, being up on your game is sometimes impossible. Just when you think you’ve got everything under control…
- The Perils of House Hunting in Bali
- When Christmas Went Legit Pagan
- Unruly Neighbors on a Bewitched Island
- Kidnapped & Tortured”¦ by Fate
- Bartending With Children In New Zealand
- Scammed at 13,000 Feet
- An Unlikely Bedfellow
- The Relationship Test Every Couple Should Take

“No way. He did what?!” photo: publicdomainpictures
Near-Death Experiences
My radical audacity often leads to incredible experiences. Like being invited into a Maori marae, getting to join a beekeeping class on harvest day, helping build an earth home in rural Thailand, and amazing hitchhiking throughout the world.
However, that same fearlessness also lands me in dangerous, sometimes life-threatening, situations. Someday I’ll write up the stories about accidentally rafting a flood-stage-class-five river, ripping my PCL while racing a train on my bike, and saving my boyfriend from smoke-inhalation death. For now you can read about:
- The Scariest Day of My Life
- Chasing a Tropical Typhoon
- Foolhardy Teens Climbing Mountains
- Travel in a Bear-Infested Wilderness
- Trip to the Cambodian Emergency Room
- Trying to Take My Parents Down With Me
- Why You Should Let Frogs Go

“Holy…what?! Oh man, I’d never do that.” photo: publicdomainpictures
When Budget Travel Goes Badly
I’m a huge fan of budget travel. However, it’s not all roses. Here are a few times a cash-splash would have been nice:
- Budget Hotel Nightmare
- Shower Shutdown
- Bedding Down in a Brothel
- The Time I Paid Triple the Fee I Tried To Avoid

“Even I think that’s gross. And I’m a germ!” photo: ClkerFreeVectorImages
Hitchhiking Victories
Hitchhiking is a priceless way to meet locals and be part of their lives. It took a lot of guts to give it a try. I’m not as worried about being murdered as I am standing on the side of the road for hours being rejected by car after car. Luckily, that only happened once! Other than that, all experiences have ranged from fun to freaking fantastic!
- The Driver Wasn’t Drinking… I Think
- Picked Up By Vampires
- Our Steel Brokering Saint
- The Most Cherries Ever

Hitchhiking requires a good deal of intuition and street smarts, but is one of my favorite ways to travel! photo: gordon johnson
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