How Facebook Found Jenny

Imagine owning a “pride and joy” automobile (I’ll take a BMW Z3 convertible, thanks) that you can only drive a few consecutive weeks a year. Raise Merino sheep for a living, and you’ll have just such a possession — in the form of a

Why Australians Convert Cars to LPG

One of the jolliest and sweetest men I have ever had the pleasure of knowing met me at the baggage claim in Perth. Jim, husband of Glenys and SERVAS host, ushered me out to his Holden Commodore and popped the trunk. It was both empty, and nearly half full… retrofitted with a 20 gallon, metal LPG (liquid petroleum gas) tank. Guess how many kilometers they can drive on one tank…

Why Canadian Bank Notes Come From 7,700 Miles Away

Quick math – if your printer can turn out seven counterfeit $10 bills in one sheet, you can buy:

a) a night at the Holiday Inn
b) a tank of gas for a mid-size car
c) a fancy-pants dinner for two
d) several days worth of groceries
e) all of the above

Where the Kookaburra Really Sits

Hopefully your childhood included this delightful Australian nursery rhyme/song:

Lyrics for those of us who can rarely be bothered to click on links:

Kookaburra sits in an old gum tree
Merry, merry king of the bush is he
Laugh, kookaburra
Laugh, kookaburra
Gay your life must be!

Love these puffies! (a.k.a. Kookaburra)

Imagine my mild amusement when I realized that “Kookaburra” really is the name of a living creature (a bird).

Australian Vocab Lessons & How I Misplaced an Entire Day

Coping mechanisms almost invariably begin to fail at the end of any travel leg lasting longer than eight hours (for me and for most I’ve observed). I left Hawaii for Australia very early Wednesday morning and arrived at dinner time on Thursday night. Did I spend 36 hours on a plane?