Had my first photo-forgetting fail this week!
Since I had selected the photo on the correct day, and since I just kept forgetting to click the shutter button, and since I could still capture the same image the following day… I took the picture anyway. They’re my rules, right? I can bend them… right?
(Unplanned) theme of the week: finally going places I’ve been meaning to go for years.
Lesson of the week: thanks to this goal, I’m often carrying my camera during “wish-I-had-I-my-camera” times. Loving it!
February 5:

Exploring a new friend’s strawbale casita with my padre. Pretty awesome!
February 6:

Neighbor friend and I finally got to go out for a night without kids. We usually only see each other for playdates, which anyone with kids can tell you isn’t exactly quality time when they involve a 6, 4 and two 2 year-olds. We’re both sad my Tucson days are numbered.
February 7:

A few weeks ago, thanks to my meditation goal, I finally walked over to this saguaro cactus. And was shocked to discover it’s part of an outdoor stations of the cross. 30 yards from the backdoor of a place I’ve be coming for ten years. Who knew? There’s a bench. Makes it a pretty sweet place to meditate.
February 8:

Another ten years of opportunity finally seized – Sabino Canyon hike with this lovely lady! (Just left of center, through the prickly pear portal.)
February 9:

Stayed up super late researching these properties. They are not attractive to any buyer, save a nomad who doesn’t really want to live there and would spend most of the time AirBnb-ing out a theoretical structure. We’ll see if the investors holding them can be talked into passing on the burden of property taxes to me.
February 10:

On this day, I went to see the aforementioned properties. I crawled up onto the local junction box to confirm my suspicions about the elevation subtleties on the lots. I couldn’t help snapping my preferred selfie.
February 11:

Gem and mineral show – an annual big deal in Tucson. Pretty mind blowing. I learned so much. More than my tiny brain could handle after a few hours. Crystal structure and formation is fascinating and gorgeous!
Good luck with the property !! 🙂
Thanks, John!