Looks like this was a week of buying local amazing food in a community-building way.
Photo lesson of the week: my camera isn’t that awesome. A hand-me-down iPhone 4 that’s better than the point-and-shoot I bought in the Philippines after breaking my geriatric camera during Jeep-limo karaoke. A friend offered me his dis-used, better phone. However, when I said I refused to get a sim and actually use it as a phone, he said, “Uh… that’s an awfully expensive camera.” #ludditeforever
The point of the photos is the content anyway. Eg:
January 29:

Except for the time I spent in Wyoming in November and my recent trip to Austin, this has been the bane of my existence for three months. My ten-year-old nephew chose to explore the effects of temperature on crystal growth for his science project. As these things go, the most important “growth” that happened had nothing to do with crystals and was very hard won.
January 30:

I tried to capture the incredible stars out in the Tucson boondocks. Failed. (See mediocre camera note above. ) Instead, the nighttime view of the place where I’m kicking it for five winter weeks.
January 31:

Remember when putting photos of kids on the internet used to terrify people? Even when it’s a photo of older brother teaching younger brother how to clean up?
February 1:

With the exception of five or six Wednesdays over the last several months, usually I depart at 10:45, drive to a gravel parking area just off an interstate, approach the back of a big white van, and trade cash for white gold – fresh milk and eggs! #buylocal
February 2:

Maybe money really can buy happiness. This chunk of heaven is my favorite product at the Food Conspiracy Co-op. Okay, strong statement. They posses many items I love, but… YUM.
February 3:

First ever solo-attempt at Kombucha! Tried three flavors in the second ferment – prickly pear, ginger, mixed berry. Round two coming up! Think I’ll get three total under my belt before I’m traveling too much for kombucha production.
February 4:

Instead of a monkey, we’ve actually trained our toddler to fill our pockets via the busker’s tip jar. Kidding! This guitar player has a heart of gold. He played the Mickey Mouse song for the world’s biggest Mickey Mouse fan (and they day’s most prolific tipper). The toddler was far more sad than the guitarist when the game put-cash-in-jar was over.
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