What ends up getting captured when photos are a priority, but photo-forgetting happens?
Things of secondary importance. Not unimportant things… but not the day’s highlight, either.
Lesson of the week: stop forgetting to take the primary importance photos!
February 12:

Older brother sent to room for timeout, younger brother unable to grasp concept and thinks this is a new fun game where we lay on the bed. He wants to play, too. Auntie notices kodak moment and grabs the camera.
February 13:

At the end of my sleep-deprived day in which I did lots of writing, reading, and talking on the phone, I realized I’d captured no moment. Making crepe dinner for my mom, sister, and nephews would have been the snap, if I’d thought of it. Instead we have my life mantra, recently obtained in sticker form and pasted onto my laptop… despite definitely not being a sticker person.
February 14:

I should have taken a photo of me foolishly taking a toddler to an office of government bureaucracy (i.e. planning department and records). Or of my favorite new friend and I on a roadtrip adventure to po-dunk bar hopping. Instead: my chaos when I finally get to catch up on work (and luck into an entire giant room to myself at the library).
February 15:

My last night on the FST stage. Sad! Theme: “Heat of the Moment” – these were some great stories! A trip to a psych ward, a few steamy flings, breaking down in tears unexpectedly, and putting up with dudes whose jokes aren’t funny. Once-per-month goal officially met for Feb!
February 16:

I meant to take a photo of my afternoon helping my grandmother get ready for her surgery by clearing away all the piles of things she hasn’t had time to get to. Or failing that, the hours I spent at the University of Arizona computer lab working on dual projects of a gear video and resume editing assistance. But instead: the meditation book I haven’t been doing justice. Might have to update 2017 goal #2 to a book per quarter instead of a book a month.
February 17:

Ha! Summerhaven not really living up to it’s most easily derived connotations. Despite Mt. Lemmon not giving me any of the things I’d planning on getting, this was still a solidly excellent day. Fantastic company, excellent conversation, mother nature in multiple ecosystems… I’m not complaining.
February 18:

How nomadic, homeless introverts survive a lifestyle that involves people for all but twenty precious hours a week: AirBnb! Feeling very thankful/lucky to have found about this place just down the street from the people whom I have the pleasure of spending time with in Tucson. If you’ve never used AirBnb… you should start! You can rent an entire house or apartment for the cost of a hotel room. $40 off on your first stay, too, if you sign up as my “friend.”
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