Here’s what happens when you lose enthusiasm for a 52 week goal in the 47th week…
Getting a photo-a-day was pretty easy when children were involved. Thanksgiving week, when babysitters and schools were closed, I had many required opportunities to spend time with my nephews. As any parent will tell you, kids are awesome in a ubiquitous and pervasive way. Although having to feed, clothe, and care for them can feel like soul-sucking drudgery, most people experience the proximity to someone who is relishing in life’s small things (i.e. basically all children) as a big quality-of-life boost that makes up for all the awful bits.
When children were not involved, I either remembered to take a photo last minute or failed altogether. I guess my life is so crammed right now, I kind of resent the self-inflicted requirement to stop and smell the roses. I am too busy doing life to enjoy life. So it goes, I suppose, when you agree to enter the orbits of nine-to-fivers because you love them and they have too much on their plates.
November 19:

Babysitting day! It’s so great that the 11 year-old is still happy to play games of imagination with the 3 year old.
November 20:
While I do love my nephews, spending all day ignoring the rest of my lives ultimately leads to a very boring day-after where I struggle to get my head above water, hopefully at “home,” alone. Being overwhelmed and remember to capture a photo of a the day tend to be mutually exclusive in my world.
November 21:

My good friend who was here last week (I’m still planning on writing about our travels. Hopefully. Someday soon.) brought a gift. This tea is incredible!
November 22:

Wednesday before Thanksgiving = a morning at the International Wildlife Museum (basically a dead zoo with animals from all over the world) and the train station. After nap time, bike riding to the park!
November 23:
My little goal tracker (nerd alert!) says I took a photo on Thanksgiving. My camera says, “No you didn’t.” I think that morning I confidently marked off the photo goal, thinking, “It’s Thanksgiving! How can there not be photos?!” Or perhaps, “I’m going to be sure to get everyone together for a family photo.” And then came the reality of being an introverted health-aficionado who is a black sheep. A house full of people and unhealthy food? ACK.
November 24:

I didn’t originally plan to take my little nephew with me on my training hike for an upcoming adventure. But when my pre-teen nephew told me he’s jealous of kids who get to spend one-on-one time with their parents and he wishes he and his mom got to do that… I started searching for a way to 1) babysit the little, 2) on my sister’s days off, 3) without giving up any of my very precious and scarce solo time. I carried dude most the way in a baby/toddler hiking pack. He is not light. We started later than I wanted, so he was cranky for the last half (the naptime half) of the hike. When he got to walk, he wanted to stop and smell the roses of course. I wanted to get back to the car ASAP and get him fed and to bed. Success rating: 6 of 10. Next time: more snacks, earlier start, long pants for him, more patience for me, more planned stop time.
November 25:

Biting off more than I can chew is a personality deficit of mine. Can I read 1,200+ pages in a month? While spending 20+ hours a week caring for family? And working? And training? And wrapping up this stretch of life in the desert? Fingers crossed!
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