I do a lot of soapboxing about how critical it is to maximize control over your time and attention.
I talked about it all the time on my podcast.
I write articles about it.
I speak to groups of people about it.
My friends can attest to my inability to shut up about it.
But they don’t mind, because they are all people who care just as much as I do about the huge disconnect between the way we say we want to live and how we actually end up spending our time.
So the short version of why I want to leave the internet is that I want to wrest back control of my attention and time from email, facebook, and the never-ending hamster wheel of work. I talked the talk in episode 9. Now it’s time to walk the walk.
But this isn’t my first I’m-quitting-the-internet rodeo.
People Who Have Quit the Internet
Is it possible to quit the internet? Of course. I’ve done it before. Aziz Ansari (who was already famous) is now also famous for having quit the internet. Paul Miller got internet-famous when he quit the internet for a year. 1Please tell me the irony is making your soul shudder just a little bit.
Paul says, “I wanted to discover how many of my problems in life (lack of productivity, constant distraction, a sense running as fast as I could just to keep up) were the internet’s fault, and how many of those problems were just my own inherent faults.”

A rollercoaster is the perfect metaphor for what the internet is like. Fun at first. And in small doses. But try staying on for hours at a time or riding every day. You’d end up numb and kind of bored most the time. photo: matt bowden
Aziz says, “Whenever you check for a new post on Instagram or whenever you go on The New York Times to see if there’s a new thing, it’s not even about the content. It’s just about seeing a new thing. You get addicted to that feeling. […] It’s better to just sit and be in your own head for a minute.”
When I quit the internet before, I was more of an Aziz. My life-long people-pleasing joined forces with the aftermath of a controlling relationship to create a perfect internet zombie. I spent my days slogging through “supposed to dos” for this site, feeling more and more miserable by the minute. I filled all the time-I-wasn’t-working with Aziz-style dopamine hits – seeing new things to feel better.
So the first time I quit the internet for a month, it was about escaping the supposed-to-dos and the dopamine loops. This time, I’m still escaping something, but the scene has changed a bit.
Why I’m Quitting the Internet… This Time
I don’t have a problem with dopamine addictions this time around. I’m not falling victim to dozens of Facebook binges per day. I’m not reflexively opening my inbox and then doing nothing but being more anxious about yet another to-do that I don’t want to do.
I’m also not struggling under a work load I didn’t thoughtfully, and actively choose.
But I am struggling.

I’m quitting the internet, but I’m also quitting life. In a good way.
photo: andreas fidler
This time I’m more of a Paul-Miller-internet-quitter. I know none of the problems in life (overachieving, people-pleasing) are the internet’s fault, however the internet does amplify my abilities to race toward self-destruction.
Have you heard how people are working themselves to death in Japan? Literally. It’s happening so often, it has a name: KarÅshi. Stress from overwork leads to heart attack and stroke. The first time I heard about it, I thought, “Wow. I can’t imagine working so hard that it kills me.”
But if I’m honest with myself, I’ve come perilously close to the edge a few times in my life. I can’t define “the edge” for you, but I could feel my mental health radically de-stabilized. And each time I’ve felt in danger of actually losing control of my mind… I was in full over-achiever mode.
Join me on a little tangent so I can get around to explaining how I might actually be a candidate for working myself to death.
I work very hard to automate my values, and that involves eliminating as many decisions as possible. Or, rather, I make the decision a single time and eliminate opportunities to have to make it again in the future. E.g. I don’t buy foods I don’t really want to be eating. That eliminates making a choice not to eat them later in the kitchen. I don’t have a smartphone. That eliminates the choice to constantly check in with dozens of apps, an inbox, message alerts, and text notifications. I do a six month weight lifting & cardio routine, so I don’t have to make any planning choices about my fitness. Ever. I participate in intermittent fasting. I don’t have to hem and haw about what and when to eat. Ever. I divide my income into spending categories. When the balance in those categories hits zero, I stop spending money on those things. That eliminates the need to make case-by-case spending decisions.
My boundaries in other areas of my life are less firm. I know that a burning desire to “crack open the bones of life and suck out the marrow” 2macabre, maybe, but credit to my friend Angie for this riveting descriptor combined with my people-pleasing, over-achieving tendencies… mean that I inevitably take on more than is reasonable. And I realized on my run tonight that a go-getter like me is fully capable of working themselves to death. Especially when exposed to an online-onslaught of opportunities to people-please and over-achieve. Which is why I’m quitting the internet.
Bye Bye Commitments
The internet isn’t all I’m quitting. I’ve done my best to empty my calendar of commitments. It’s not perfect. I’m still doing my work exchange hours – the equivalent of earning rent money. I said yes to a few things before I put my quit-weeks on the calendar; I haven’t cancelled the two that are more like play to me.
But I’m taking a big step back. Hitting the reset button. Giving myself space to get some clarity on which of the many things I’m doing in my life don’t actually fit (unless I want to work myself toward the edge of death. Or at least toward the edge of mental sanity).
I’m going to try to quit the internet more often. The last time was 19 months ago. Since I’m not actively working on dismantling my over-achieving and people-pleasing right now, I fully expect to end up right back where those two bad habits lead me. And probably fairly quickly. I’m okay with that. I feel like these cycles are baby steps in the direction of the me-I-want-to-be.
Why You Should Quit the Internet
If you’re curious about quitting the internet for a month or a few weeks or a year – do it! Here’s how I prepared last time I quit.
Quit prep this time was easier. Because I’m not trying to escape fully-saturated Pavlovian dopamine triggers this time around, I don’t need to get phone numbers, maps, and weather forecasts. If I want a recipe or a weather forecast, I fully intend to look it up. But I’m not touching facebook, email, or even text messages. I do have a Pavlovian reaction to those three interfaces.
Really, I guess this time I’m quitting knee-jerk seeking of opportunities to people-please and over-achieve (and therefore over-commit) that flow into my life via email, facebook, and text messages. Since the internet amplifies my ability to over-commit, I’m going cold-turkey. And I’ll be using all the free time to come up with iteration #86,789 of Operation-Yes-Life-is-Amazing-But-Please-Stop-Doing-So-Much. And to finally give time to things (people, activities) I say are my priorities, but that have been collecting dust on the shelf for a good long while now.
My own solution to have a semi-access controled internet :
Supose that you have 2 devices: 1 windows device and one android devices. And you want for both to be in control. I decided that for both device I will not be able to use any search engine or youtube or other media sharing or social media. My android device will have acces to gmail, maps,chatgpt, Google sheets ( with auto save to drive), meet, google wallet and local bankings apps.
My home windows device will have internet acces but the content will be filtered and only used from a non – admin account but it will be unable to use search engines and a vast ammount of usseles or dopamin spike content. How can do all this in real life?
1. Open two control accounts one Google and one opendns.com. First open google account and second opndns using that gmail account. ( I have fixed IP at home conection).
2. Setup a Family link using the control account for your mobile. Make all configuraton on family link to have the desired configuration of your android device except G Play and Google. To control these apps set up a local apps protection on your phone.
3. For windows device set up all apps from the admin account and set the DNS to use Open DNS for both IPV4 and IPV6. Set up an admin password ( which will be the same as gmail control account for simplicity) The password must complex in order not to remember it easy. Write password to piece of papper for the password recovery Process.
4. Configure your Open DNS acocunt to filter trafic according to your goals. Using the filters Content feauture from OpenDNS. Block manulay sites from where you can download Tor Browser. Up to now from what I know this is the only app that install on a non addmin windows account without any errorrs.
5. Dont set op any recovery email for the gmail control account ! Buy a prepaid card mobile number with a long expiration date and set up that number ( without to remember it as a recovery option for the gmail control account). Now we will have two option to have acces to password: one geographicaly and one Sheduled. For first option take the papper with password an and SIM card and travel some journey ( 2-3 km) outside the the town in the field and hide them there. Be sure the remember the place ! For the second option go to the gmail of the google control account and set up the periodicity that is suitable to you to receive password. Set up sheduled email according to your period to receive to your base email addres the password for make periodic changes in your systems or to install or update apps.
Happy hacking your life on the internet !
Sitting in a library now, literally first time in like ..a year or so(?) that i type anything into a site, i quit the internet for many well thought out reasons but people still think im just internet-illiterate or ”scared” of ”progress” and ”ease”. Well sorry but i believe that hardship makes man and ease makes someone dependent. Which is exactly what people all around me emitt. Pure dependancy on apps and guides. This isnt the world i was brought up in and it wont be the world i die with ;). I respect everyone who takes the effort in developing themselves auomonously so greets from another person who lives without the internet. (i dont own an internet connection, dont own a cellphone, not even a computer to begin with anymore. My house looks like a early 90s place with cd and record players and a lot of books. 😛 (Why im on the internet right now in the lib? Well i thought to look up one of my old pieces to relearn on guitar since i used to be a digital composer and all my work is still online, couldnt find it anymore though.. ohwell.) Greetos from Netherlands. ^^
Wow, Dan – what a huge change – going from a digital composer to not even owning a computer. Each time I quit the internet, I get closer and closer to not coming back. My body is happier for it, my mind is happier for it, my relationships are happier for it! Greets to you, too 🙂
Quitting the internet where there is no access has been a joy for me. I am not sure if I will be able to survive a week without the internet in a “civilized” world. Sending you positive thoughts just in case you dwell in a developed part of this planet at the moment. Thank you for all your honest and frank reviews of work exchange websites.
So lovely to come back to such a sweet comment. Thanks, Rowena. And you’re welcome for the work exchange reviews. WorkX is one of my favorite things in the whole world!
You are my favorite. Cheering you on from this corner of the internet and all the others and also real life, always!
That would be difficult for someone who’s making money on the Internet.
By the way, do you work exchange mostly in the US? I assume it’s the cheapest option for you compared to traveling to other countries.
Hi Luke – I work X wherever I am. I don’t pick countries based on their cost anymore. I pick the places I want to be and then make it work. This often involves work exchanging!
God, I love this post even shared it twice! I’ve been mulling over digital detox too for quite a while but I guess I’m not ready yet as blogging is my primary source of income and I still need the social media. But as the days go by, I check on Facebook less and less. I even uninstalled from my smartphone. I’ll get there one day. Thank you for this post. And good luck in your endeavors.
Have my fingers very tightly crossed over here for your future digital detox, Sheila! Until then, happy blogging 😀
Thanks and good luck/life 🙂 You seem pretty amazing anyways.
But hey, you shouldn’t care 🙂
Lovely to come back to your kind words! Thanks, Dorota 🙂