If I was an executive from New York on a Vocation Vacation, this blog entry could read as a major drama.

What I feel like after a particularly trying stretch of travel. (This picture was actually taken just after sunrise on a wilderness backpacking trip with striking similarities to traveling... living out of a bag, sleeping almost anywhere, eating strange food, lowering cleanliness standards...)
It’s tempting to write it like that — it would be more fun for you to read while surrounded by the comfort of “western” conveniences. But the truth is, for “third world” travel to be fun, you just have to take things in stride. This is one of the lessons of travel I value most and that I hope to carry with me into the future. To nearly quote Liz Gilbert, traveling – particularly cheap and dirty traveling – is pretty much nothing but one glitch and hassle after another, interrupted by the occasional stunning sunset, gorgeous temple, or fantastic meal.
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