A lover of variety and novelty, it’s not often I return to a place I’ve been before. This week was worth it!
A lover of variety and novelty, it’s not often I return to a place I’ve been before. This week was worth it!
Had one storytelling adventure sprinkled into a few rainy work and catch-up days in Melbs.
Six places in seven days! What a wild week.
She walked up to me at a mall. A big mall. The Opry Mills Mall near the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville Tennessee. Her youthful face, shiny blonde hair, hooded sweatshirt, and bright smile said late teens, maybe early 20’s.
When our Nashville couchsurfing hosts warned us getting around the city on Wednesday might be difficult because the President would be in town, my foreign friend immediately asked if we could attend. I said we’d have to get tickets and they probably would be sold out already. She googled and had free vouchers in hand within five minutes.
Learned something new this week!
photo: max health center
If a ridiculous person like myself could be said to have a “career,” I’d say it’s tackling a few dreams at a time. The most consistent thing I do in my life is use the relatively boring process of setting and achieving unremarkable goals to make my dreams a reality. For example:
I’m a photo short this week, but I didn’t miss a day. Can you solve the riddle?
Springtime and a shocking sayonara to semi-settled life.
Folks, I have a confession. I was in a panic for weeks about how to pack for my upcoming, endless travel stint.
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