Ending 2017 with 3 days outside in the same week?!
Road trip, train trip, work, reading, and family. And a new-to-me camera (cleverly disguised as an iPhone 6). The photos will be so nice… once I finally get around to protecting the broken screen and can use it. Happy, happy!
December 10:

Brutally windy day, but also brutally beautiful hike with my awesome former college housemate (who is the best).
December 11:

It’s been so great to work from this 40’s dude-ranch stone house throughout the fall.
December 12:

A new to me camera!!! The old iPhone 4 hand-me-down I’ve been using to take photos for my 2017 photo-a-day challenge is adequate. And better than the point-and-shoot I had. But I do get a little sad when someone lets me take a picture with their phone and I see how much better the quality could be. Now just to get a phone case that protects the exposed camera (that square at the upper right)…
December 13:

Determined to make it through another thousand pages before Christmas. Will she do it?! #delusional.
December 14:

When it dawned on me that my train-loving nephew lived in a town with a passenger train, I got crazy excited. He loved our train trip!
December 15:

This hike was brutal. Like climbing 450 flights of stairs. And going back down them. On a cliff-edge for seven hours. Should not have done alone. Very stupid. Epic views.
December 16:

Got to spend a day with my mama, including checking out a cool dining and entertainment spot in Tucson. At the cornhole sets: “Unattended children’s parents will be judged.” Ha!
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